

In the 13th Century, there was a Persian fairy tale about The Three Princes of Serendip, who were always making discoveries, by accidents and insight, of things they were not aware that they were looking for. Horace Walpole was later to name this lovely sequence of happenstance as 'Serendipity'. 

It is a word these days that describes that loveliness of discovering something that …when you come across it … you KNOW it is right! Like a particular shade of paint colour, or a person or an idea. I particularly love how 'Serendipity' embraces the awareness of things happening in perfect timing and balance. It doesn’t feel like 'fate' with that weight of a lack of agency: rather the sense of aligning perfectly with something just out of view. We have learnt at IBBLOTTA, from that day sitting at the kitchen table in Bristol, that 'progress principle' and stepping out to ‘give it a go anyway’ can take you from an idea to an inspiring journey.

I knew and loved the word before, but now when I say 'Serendipity', I can't help but smile. We have been met by warmth, expertise and generosity of many collaborators. The serendipity of meeting them is nothing short of magnificent.

Next time you catch yourself saying 'I am not sure that is right, it needs that 'Je ne sais quoi'.  Stop, breathe and trust yourself. Because you WILL know when you have found it.